(815) 213-7669
Cancer Survivors and Their Families
“Suffering in and of itself is meaningless; we give our suffering meaning by the way in which we respond to it.” – Viktor E. Frankl
This is me during chemotherapy in August 2017. The journey through this wasn't easy. There were times of deep despair, debilitating anxiety, and overwhelming depression, along with many physical side-effects. I worried about finances and how I was going to meet all of my fiscal obligations because I had to close my office in Arizona and stop practicing completely.
Four years later, I look back on all of this and recognize it's been a lot. Coping with cancer is not an event. It is a journey that carries with it significant burdens. And yet, there are also incredible blessings. One such blessing for me is to have the personal and professional opportunity to assist others going through the illness. To not utilize my professional skills and assist other cancer survivors would be sacrilege.
One of life's greatest gifts is our ability to bring strength to others through our own suffering. As Frankl so aptly said, "we give suffering meaning by the way in which we respond to it." Lastly, I would be remiss in not mentioning belief in God, the power greater than myself, carried me through, like Footprints in the Sand.